Calls for papers

Fabrications is the refereed journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, Australia and New Zealand (SAHANZ). Established in 1989, it is devoted to scholarly publication in the field of architectural history. The journal’s contents reflect the wide interests of the Society’s diverse membership. It publishes papers on a wide range of themes, but especially on the architectural, urban and landscape history of Australia, New Zealand, the South Pacific and South-East Asia. The journal is published for the Society by Taylor & Francis, with each annual volume containing three issues.

For further information on Fabrications and to review past issues, see the Taylor and Francis website.

Reports and Reviews

The journal does not publish unsolicited reviews. All reviews will be commissioned by the journal. We invite members of the SAHANZ community to contact us directly to suggest ideas for reports about symposia and other research events, as well about exhibitions, collections and other resources of interest to the membership of SAHANZ. These can be addressed directly to the Reviews Editor.

Author Guidelines

Papers should be submitted online by the due dates identified below.

The Editors consider essays of 7000 to 9000 words (including footnotes). Papers should be submitted as Word documents. Authors should use the footnote function of Word, but no automatic footing programs such as Endnote. Papers should be submitted with an abstract (200 words) at the beginning of the paper and a brief author biography (80 words), images and image captions. Abstracts are published at the beginning of papers. All papers published in Fabrications are blind peer-refereed by two readers.

Papers must conform with the Instructions for Authors.

Image Specifications

For the refereeing process, please submit low-resolution images of illustrations as separate files {or embedded in a separate pdf file with captions} (72dpi jpeg files). Once a paper is accepted for publication, high-resolution images should be submitted as 300 dpi tiff files, at a minimum of 100mm wide with a separate list of captions indicating permissions.

Authors are responsible for securing all permissions and paying all fees to reproduce images in Fabrications. Authors must meet the publisher’s requirements.

The Editors

Cameron Logan (2019-23)
School of Architecture, Design and Planning
The University of Sydney
New South Wales 2008

Kelly Greenop (2021-24)
School of Architecture
The University of Queensland
St Lucia
Queensland 4072

Isabel Rousset (2023-26)
School of Architecture
University of Technology Sydney
New South Walls 2007

35.2 Housing

Fabrications The Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, Australia and New Zealand  invites papers for a special issue (Vol. 35, No. 2) on the theme of Housing, edited by Kelly Greenop and Isabel Rousset. The deadline is 1st November 2024. 

The current housing affordability crisis in Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand is well documented across all forms of popular media, and its causes and implications also well documented across scholarly discourse in economics, planning, and the social sciences. The situation is mirrored across the globe with decreasing access to housing in other economically prosperous and developing nations alike. Yet, the trope of a “housing crisis” is far from new and has a longer history that can be traced back to nineteenth-century reformist discourse on the conditions of Europe’s industrial workers. Since Henry Roberts presented model homes for workers at the Great Exhibition of 1851, architecture has long played a visible role in shaping housing debate.

This special issue calls for papers that explore the historical tensions between architecture, housing, and social politics. How can an architectural perspective illuminate the social history of housing? How has the relationship between architecture and society been historically imagined through housing? We are particularly interested in papers that delve into the nuanced dynamics that govern the success or failure of affordable housing projects between architecture and the state and its bureaucratic systems. 

Topics may include, but are not limited to: temporary housing, emergency housing, prefabrication and standardisation; immigrant housing and refugee camps; public housing and the role of the state; First Nations people’s housing, its design, values and historical apprehension; housing for marginalised groups; discourses on affordability, social need and housing security; the speculative house and the role of real estate; the “housing estate” and the relationship of housing to the city; social justice movements and counter-cultural experiments in housing; imagined housing schemes and social utopias; relationships between housing, land, and settler colonialism; transnational networks and the translation of housing design expertise; the legacy of important historians and critics of housing. 

We welcome papers from any period or geography and particularly encourage papers that connect to histories of Australia, New Zealand, the South Pacific and South-East Asian regions. We also welcome papers that critically reflect on the methods of the housing historian and how architectural perspectives can facilitate interdisciplinary dialogue.

Questions about the special issue should be directed to the journal’s co-editors: Kelly Greenop () and Isabel Rousset ()For submission instructions and portal, go to:

34.3 Designing for First Nations Communities

Fabrications The Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, Australia and New Zealand invites papers for a special issue (Vol. 34, No. 3) on the theme of Designing for First Nations Communities, edited by Kelly Greenop and Isabel Rousset. The deadline is 1st May 2024. 

Histories of architecture for First Nations peoples have been part of Fabrications scholarship since the journal’s inception. The very first issue in 1989 contained a review by Ann McGrath (UNSW) of Helen Ross’s book Just For Living(1987), an analysis of Aboriginal housing in crisis in Australia. The first articles on First Nations built environments featured in the next issue (2-3, 1991), which included Sarah Treadwell’s “Rangiatea: Architecture Between the Colonial and the Indigenous,” and Mike Austin’s “Notes on the Colonial City”. This issue also featured a book review by Peter Bell of John Hockings’ Traditional Architecture in the Gilbert Islands: A Cultural Perspective, (1989). In 2008 Memmott and Davidson’s Fabrications paper examined “Indigenous Culture and Architecture in the South Pacific Region: 25 Years of SAHANZ Research” covering both journal articles and SAHANZ conferences, which discussed some 100 papers.

The scholarship on this topic over the last three decades has nonetheless remained uneven and full of gaps. This editors’ issue seeks to build on and encourage further pursuit of scholarship on architecture and the built environment for First Nations communities and clients, across the Oceania region. We aim to elicit papers that reveal the diverse history of architectural responses to First Nations peoples’ cultures, from the era of initial European contact through to more contemporary developments. 

We welcome papers from across our region, including the First Nations of Australia, Aotearoa New Zealand, and Moana Pasifika. Papers might include studies of particular buildings types designed to accommodate First Nations people, including but not limited to culturally-specific places we might be familiar with now, such as community, health or cultural centres, housing for First Nations peoples, and those from colonial and European-contact eras such mission and reserve buildings and precincts. The governance relationships might range from those where First Nations building traditions were maintained or developed through the colonial era, to those which have more recent histories of self-governed, bicultural, or sovereign Nations as clients, collaborators or active agents in procuring architectural outcomes. 

We particularly encourage submissions that address the recent past, from the self-determination, bicultural, and independence eras onwards (1980s to today), which have been little examined but offer rich opportunities for discussion of this time of important change within architecture and built environments. The ways in which designs for First Nations people have been envisioned is critical to understanding how societies have seen and valued First Nations people, and can tell us much about the designers and societies from which they emanate.

Deadline for submissions is 1st May 2024. Questions about the issue should be directed to the journal’s co-editors: Kelly Greenop and Isabel Rousset.

34.2 What is ‘shared?” Architectural Heritage in Conflict

Fabrications invites papers for a special issue (Vol. 34, No. 2) guest edited by Savia Palate and Panayiota Pyla (University of Cyprus) on the theme of ‘What is “shared”? Architectural Heritage in Conflict’. Papers are due on February 16, 2024. 

Scholars typically describe heritage as intrinsically dissonant or difficult, particularly in conflict territories, highlighting the socio-political differences that ascribe architectural value to buildings and sites. This special issue focuses on the potentiality of architectural heritage in conflict territories to become shared, contemplating whether “sharedness” may be possible at all. It particularly focuses on the intangible value narratives of architectural history can offer to speak of what may be shared in terms of architectural heritage.

What can be considered shared about architectural heritage in conflict territories, in what manner, and why? How can architectural history, and methodological explorations of writing the past, shed light on the complexities that surround the question of who defines modes of sharedness? To what extent can fluidity and uncertainty of meanings challenge the way architecture becomes heritage, dictating what is to be remembered and what it is to be forgotten? Can we speak about sharedness without forging commonalities and homogenisation, but by utilising the lens of architectural history to reveal the multiple frictions, narratives, interpretations, and stories that have remained hidden or paused on a particular time-space agency?

Papers may relate to the contested geopolitical, cultural, and historical constructs of the built environment as heritage in tangible and intangible terms, and across various periods and geographies. We welcome papers that interrogate competing narratives of nationalism and identity; oscillations between remembrance and oblivion; and preservation practices that experiment with potentialities of inclusiveness and alternative collaborations in framing the shared in architectural heritage.

Questions about the special issue can be directed to the guest editors: 

Savia Palate 

Panayiota Pyla For submission instructions and portal, go to:

Past Calls