
the award. 5. At completion of the research, Grantees are required to report on the acquittal of the Grant against actual expenses, and on the status of the outcomes (i.e….


the award. 5. At completion of the research, Grantees are required to report on the acquittal of the Grant against actual expenses, and on the status of the outcomes (i.e….

04 – hing-wah chau

…Writings on the Chinese Garden The comparative importance of buildings can be reflected by their strategic positions, such as the library at the prominent location near the front entrance to…

CONSTITUTION_update 2020

the Society. 12. COMMON SEAL 12.1 The Common Seal of the Society shall be a design approved by the Committee. It shall be kept by the Secretary who shall affix…


…to place, the time and manner for renewal of membership subscription and the methods for banking and deploying the funds of the Society. 12. COMMON SEAL 12.1 The Common Seal…


formal arrangements of power in sovereign states; the composition of a representative assembly, for example, and the relationship between the judiciary and the executive; the role of the bureaucracy and…


the past.  On the occasion of the 40th Annual SAHANZ Conference, the theme of islands also encourages delegates to challenge and critique the often-siloed nature of architectural history itself, and…


…members of the Society. If you wish to nominate someone for Honorary or Life membership, please download the nomination documents here, and submit the completed nomination to the Society’s Secretary…