
…participatory project, the architect and architecture assume a social role, and must be able to propose and support other forms of life, appropriation and sharing of site. Universal Memory For


and New Zealand’ 2018: Lisa Marie Daunt, Qld: ‘Communities of Faith: Far North Queensland’s Innovative Modern Post-war Church Architectures’ 2017: Joshua Nash, NSW: ‘Connecting Pitcairn Island and Norfolk Island Through…

CfP_Architecture of Oceania Auckland-NZ

…Berlin: DeGruyter, 2020) and Habsburgs going Global. The Austro-Hungarian Concession of Tientsin/Tianjin in China (1902-1917) (forthcoming Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna). https://www.unitec.ac.nz/about-us/contact-us/staff-directory/dr-christoph-schnoor mailto: https://www.arc.ed.tum.de/ltg/mitarbeiter/pd-dr-ing-mag-michael-falser/aktuelle-forschung/ mailto: https://www.zikg.eu/forschung/publikationen/laufende-publikationen/kunstchronik/inhaltsverzeichnisse/pdf/heft-7-juli-2021-1 https://eahn.org/2021/10/german-colonial-architecture-as-a-global-project-around-1900-and-as-a-transcultural-heritage-today/ Call for Papers…


…paper to refereeing for several reasons. For example, the paper may be incomplete (unedited, without notes, or in outline form), substantially too long or too short, or, substantially different from…


to authors without forwarding the paper to referees if it evidently fails to meet basic academic standards. Editors may decline to submit a paper to refereeing for several reasons. For

04 – hing-wah chau

and New Zealand: 31, Translation, edited by Christoph Schnoor (Auckland, New Zealand: SAHANZ and Unitec ePress; and Gold Coast, Queensland: SAHANZ, 2014), 51–58. Published in Auckland, New Zealand: SAHANZ and