S01_03_Barrie_Architecture to a Fault

interweaving of local and global: “Austin’s maneuvers suggest a powerful way in which a New Zealand architect, well-acquainted 16. “Memphis – explosion in a chopstick factory?” New Zealand Commercial Design…


…craftsmanship and materials, cultural and natural forces, and human and nonhuman agencies beyond the architects’ immediate control are honoured in and absorbed and fused into the masonry masterpiece. In Wang’s…


…urban and suburban typologies in relation to the genealogy of the Australian house; explore issues of public and private space in its functions; and comment on ways of living and

S04_01_Couper_Placing the Origins of the Zoo

…Scientific interpretation exists within a cultural context of place and place in time, contradicting notions of science as objective and detached from social practice. The scientific profession, early in its…