lin f – bracketing

…Derrida implies the exténuation phenomenon5 in the policymaking under colonisation which often results as the example provided – one’s first language, which was taught to this person by a coloniser…

4A_571-583_JI & ERTL

on themes such as form, materials, and nature.33 In conclusion he explains the common thread connecting the diverse themes is the desire to go back to an age where there…

farrah s – representation as quotation

…clarify his position on the relation between practice and theory. These sites occur in the form of writing, building, model, and drawing, and I examine these in Frampton’s formative critical…

46 – elizabeth musgrave

the 1950s, the need for a forum to promote the modern eventually led to the formation of the Queensland Branch of the Contemporary Art Society (CAS) in 1961.21 The CAS…


the interaction between different social forces. Based on the above propositions, I provide an upgraded version of the Vitruvian Triad, with the existential replacing utilitatis (utility), the constructive replacing firmitatis…