32 – nigel westbrook

to intuitively respond to this traditional ‘spirit’ in new forms, and with modern techniques.35 Kuran’s position also resonates with the later formulations of Tzonis and Lefaivre and Frampton, if without…


and obtain what they need” and “everyone could be cooperative, free, helpful and independent” and “advocate collective faith and freedom” through peaceful and improved ways.5 His thoughts were in line…


…as CAD systems became capable of representing large and complex forms, the realization of these forms necessitated precise and standardized materials and fabrication methods. 7 Issues of materiality and fabrication…


and Heydar Ghiai, it was not common for ordinary people to study architecture in the West. In September 1940, with the approval of the Ministry of Arts and Crafts, with


…both entertainment and education, as well as providing value for tourism.8 Virtual reality can entice, entertain and educate a public driven by spectacle and novelty while supporting more serious research


…interest to stave from further loss of memory and nationhood: … say forcefully to the government, to the communes, and to the individuals that they are responsible for all the…


…Social Science Students and Researchers, ed. Jane Ritchie and Jane Lewis (SAGE Publications, 2003), 139–65, https://doi.org/10.1093/acprof:oso/9780198719571.001.0001. 25 Places, which form the locus/topos for common social and individual memories, and which…


…concealed downpipes, poured concrete in sections into forms and also sprayed concrete in layers onto forms, waited for curing, before releasing the forms and repositioning to start the next pleat…