holden s – to be with architecture

…24 Peyton-Jones, ‘Fast-Forward Architecture’, 30. 264 http://theartnewspaper.com/reports/visitor-figures-2016/2016-s-most-popular-exhibitions-by-genre-and-city-/ http://theartnewspaper.com/reports/visitor-figures-2016/2016-s-most-popular-exhibitions-by-genre-and-city-/ QUOTATION: What does history have in store for architecture today? 25 Krauss, ‘Sculpture in the Expanded Field’. See also: Spyros Papapetros and…

Unfolding the Secrets of Vijaydurg Fort

…Military Heritage – International Council on Monuments and Sites), ASI (Archaeological Survey of India) and State Archaeology Departments are focusing on the study of these forts, aiming for their conservation.


…this practice. Upon consideration, these vistas should appear less attractive because they represent deprivation and hardship for the trees and their communities. Planting of identically aged trees leads to the

schrapel s scriver p – a designed incompleteness

…dialogue with the context onto which the church faces. In the cross-axial direction, the sacred space converses with nature through the cloister. In both directions, the composition connects the building…