S01_01_Steen_Pop-Non Pop

…postwar developments in Britain’s architecture – from Townscape and New Humanism, through the Independent Group and New Brutalism, to Cedric Price and Archigram; from the post-war rise of “Compromise,” to


…means of agricultural and Figure 2. Main penitentiary commanding officer’s residence, Nou Island, Noumea, constructed in 1882. Left and top right. (Photographs by Fabienne Videault.) Louis Lagarde and Fabienne Videault,…

47 – ashley paine

…Translation, edited by Christoph Schnoor (Auckland, New Zealand: SAHANZ and Unitec ePress; and Gold Coast, Queensland: SAHANZ, 2014), 567–578. Published in Auckland, New Zealand: SAHANZ and Unitec ePress [ISBN –…

wood p – new canaan in new zealand

…that design to, and with, it’s surroundings. However, it might be said that for The Journal of the New Zealand Institute of Architects, with its formal obligation to represent the…

07 – kerry francis

…serves to illustrate attendant attitudes of the Chinese community with regard to their role within the larger Auckland (and New Zealand) community. Since 1860 Chinese participation within New Zealand society…