and concrete. The aesthetic, spatial, and formal fruits of this transformation are discussed by Sigfried Geidion in Building in France, Building in Iron, Building in Ferroconcrete (1928). Giedion was one…

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…of instruments inserted directly into the fabric of the building. These included a domed observatory and a survey baseline embedded into a ground floor corridor. In its reading of the…


…copyright material in their papers. Interested parties may contact the editors. The bibliographic citation for this paper is: Tippey, Brett. “Eduardo Torroja, Concrete and Spain’s Indigenous Structural Types.” In Proceedings…


…discussed enclosure in relation to material and ornament, Loos discussed it in relation to material and space, while Schindler discussed it in relation to space and texture. In what follows,…


…would open new vistas. Architects and the Aerial View In their book Seeing Above, Mark Dorrian and Frederic Pousin write that the human experience of flight “generated profound transformations in


…to the completion of nearby Martin Place, under a local government initiative in 1968,18 the completion of Queen’s Square proceeded under a joint planning committee in 1962 to include a…