…dubbed Socialist Realism.27 While “function” and “form” were the basic concepts of modernist architecture, “socialist content and national form” were the bases of Socialist Realism theory committed to presenting “the…

S10_03_Musgrave_What’s Out

topics to create Broadside and diametrix. A review of the timing and content of these pamphlets reveals Dalton’s frustration with Brisbane’s conservative architecture community and the extent to which Dalton,…


…visual training; for colonials, war service enabled travel through Britain and Europe.22 Garrett saw many different forms of ancient and modern architecture, from Stonehenge to medieval cathedrals and grand houses,…

tennakoon p – the narrative of the bungalow

…as tools to analyse the human experience – methodologies that can also be used in viewing architecture.3 As stated by Thomson, the real life experience of architecture is finite and

10 – michael khan

…rich residential community. In 2007, the languishing neighbourhood, slow to stabilize and even slower to regenerate, was injected with hope and capital to support rebuilding in the form of the…


…Hebei, Shanxi, Shaanxi and Gansu provinces compared with current geopolitical boundaries of today China. Northern Song dynasty was also an era of administrative sophistication and complex social organisation, leading to


…ways: from solid to wire-frame projection to represent conceptual form and achieve reversibility; and from isometry to axonometry to achieve autonomy. 180 Figure 4. Axonometric for House I (Eisenman, CCA…

macarthur j – the semblance of use

…http://www.serpentinegalleries.org/exhibitions-events/serpentine-pavilion-and-summer-houses-2016 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Van_der_Kiste https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Van_der_Kiste https://www.royalparks.org.uk/parks/kensington-gardens/about-kensington-gardens/landscape-history https://www.royalparks.org.uk/parks/kensington-gardens/about-kensington-gardens/landscape-history http://thegardenvisitor.co.uk/kensington-gardens-and-hyde-park-serpentine-follies/ http://thegardenvisitor.co.uk/kensington-gardens-and-hyde-park-serpentine-follies/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Van_der_Kiste https://historicengland.org.uk/listing/the-list/list-entry/1153252 QUOTATION: What does history have in store for architecture today? 21 Immanuel Kant and Paul Guyer. Critique of the Power of…