jadresin milic r mcconchie g – quoting palladio

…reasoning and opinion, encouraging inventiveness in research, and raising interest in history? And what level of intellectual rigour do we apply or expect when we structure our position in accordance…


…Australian firm of John Andrews International won an international competition for the design of the Intelsat headquarters in Washington. Before the privatization of satellite communications provision, Intelsat was an intergovernmental…


…service core with four lift groups.31 In many regards, the project was in line for size and ambition with the ensemble of high-rise commercial buildings completed in Melbourne in the…


inter-war Europe, and how these values were transferred to influence and inform their contemporaries who had stayed in Australia. Extensive studies documenting Dudok’s influence on Australian architecture have been undertaken…

03 – amy clarke

…of Architectural Historians, Australia and New Zealand: 31, Translation, edited by Christoph Schnoor (Auckland, New Zealand: SAHANZ and Unitec ePress; and Gold Coast, Queensland: SAHANZ, 2014), 39–49. Published in Auckland,


…offices and official dwellings. Indeed, the name Tingtang expresses its two inherent building types, each assuming significant roles in Chinese pre-modern habitation: Ting and Tang. Ting and Tang Due to…


common spaces and other facilities that may potentially serve these partly mobile structures in terms of a way to come together and to form a community living. Words and Meaning…