
…Renovation Machizukuri Promotion Council in 2011. To promote the renovation machizukuri approach as a replicable model, the Renovation School was established soon after the completion of Mercato 3. The school…


…taste for the abstract,38 aiming for “amplification rather than abstraction”.39 Leonidov’s projections abstracted to communicate “the subordination of form to organisation”,40 and “the radically new relationships…among form, space and media”.41…

S05_03_Bobic_Balkanising Myths

…303 Today, parts of the Former Yugoslavia still retain the Balkanist discourse. This is indicated by the attempt to once again align the Balkans with the West by re-naming the


…grace as part of a Labour Government rationalisation of the Tertiary education sector that resulted in the closure of the host community based polytechnic. Rangahaua was the precursor for the