S14_03_Holden and Bird_An Open Plan

…America came to have an influence in Australia, even as international interest in them waned; and also how these ideas intersected with the local context and site conditions. The need…


in their critiques of the infamous Dom-ino (which Le Corbusier represents in perspective), Peter Eisenman,36 Eleanor Gregh, and Aureli all redraw it in axonometric. Le Corbusier and the Constructivists The…

R04_01_Walker_Reassessing John Andrews’ Architecture

and responsiveness to broad landscape conditions. In this regard, the main critical and historiographic responses to Andrews’ work reflect the context of robust cultural development and confidence in Canada in


…for Alaska, the Louisiana Purchase and the Virgin Islands combined.2 In short, the outsized real estate transaction foreshadowed significant growth and development in the entertainment capital and had significant effects…


in fortified positions from their houses, huts, homesteads and barns/granaries. Historian Ray Kerkhove12 writes in some detail about this within Queensland. Have these smaller fortified positions been hiding in plain


in Eckart Ehlers, “Rent-capitalism and Unequal Development in the Middle East: The Case of Iran,” in Work, Income and Inequality- Payment System in the Third World. ed. F. Stewart (New…


…the functional imperatives which informed the NZI design? The client, New Zealand Insurance Company, needed to expand their Auckland branch office, to include a public area, and to install the…