R03_02_Hill_Discipline Dodgers

one’s situation to one’s public presentation, architecture, clothing and the whole gamut of consumer culture was freed to be deployed in the competition for place and the regard of others….


…that further work will help highlight the real contribution of these unsung actors to the broader realm of architecture. Furthermore, the discussion about the acquisition of the building by the


…been purchased by the polytechnic for the department. One of these Taonga (treasures) remains in the Rangahaua reception area, the other was gifted to the former chairman of the polytechnic…


…mention of a collaborating architect, for which reason the composition of the facades, the selection of concrete as the structural material and the description of the design rationale are most…

S08_02_Holden_What if Anything

…person, notwithstanding their profes- sion and in this respect they parallel the Lower Hunter Urban Design Awards, which commenced in 2011, and the Randwick Urban Design Awards, commenced in 2006….