
…South Wales, the Government Architect’s Branch of the Department of Public Works was charged with providing for these needs. However, by the late-1940s, long disrupted by depression and war, the

colman s – quotation in wittkower

“The academic architects of the Burlington circle felt themselves to be the custodians of the tradition formed by Palladio and Inigo Jones, in whose works they believed that they had…


…and the WH Site.48 But in a direct rejection of the advice of their own planners, the CEC’s councillors ignored the recommendation and approved the hotel for construction.49 Much of…


The relevance of this is to provide a critical perspective on the increasing penetration of technology in architecture around the turn of the centuries, and by extension, the paper effectively…


example of a grain elevator designed with direct architectural involvement, the complex at Pinkenba is a unique variation of the type. In the design for the Pinkenba complex, Gibson carefully…


only available to the upper floors. On the contrary, leaving the boundaries of the home and crossing the very public stair- lobby did not comply with the Bengali Muslim woman’s…