R02_03_Nichols_Mapping Identity

Proceedings of the Society of Architectural Historians, Australia and New Zealand 30, Open Papers presented to the 30th Annual Conference of the Society of Architectural Historians, Australia and New Zealand


…a larger complex of open space and built form. For Argan, classical architecture’s perspectival conception of space achieves unity through abstract proportional associations, assuming an a priori geometric structure as…


…2018, https://www.theage. com.au/national/victoria/high-rise-estate- finally-in-the-spotlight-after-years-of-neglect- 20181220-p50nhc.html. 90. Alan Weedon, Melbourne’s tower lockdowns reveal the precarious future of Victorian public housing, ABC, July 17, 2020, https://www.abc.net.au/news/2020-07-17/ melbourne-victoria-public-housing-social-mix- redevelopment/12459870. 91. Alan Weedon, “Melbourne’s…


…Gallery151/dist/JGalleryViewer. aspx?B=30132118&S=13&N=20&R=0#/ SearchNRetrieve/NAAMedia/ShowImage. aspx?B=30132118&T=P&S=13 and further passenger records accessed February 28, 2019 at https://www.findmypast.com.au. 55 Don Watson, “Ford Hutton & Newell,” in The Encyclopedia of Australian Architecture, ed. Goad and


…Feldkirch Region Hospital (1992, Feldkrich, Austria), Grieve Gillette and Cox Architects’ National Wine Centre (2001, Adelaide, South Australia), Rural Studio’s Mason’s Bend Community Centre (2000 Mason’s Bend, Alabama) and Renzo…


…3, 2018, https://swa.co.id/wicf/news/kemenpar-gelar- ista-dan-sayembara-pusat-cinderamata- pariwisata-2018. 12. Arimbi Ramadhiani, “Diikuti Peserta Terbanyak, Sayembara Homestay Raih Rekor Muri,” Kompas.com, October 26, 2016, https://properti.kompas.com/ read/2016/10/26/122141121/diikuti.peserta. terbanyak.sayembara.homestay. raih.rekor. muri?nomgid=0. 462Ultra: Positions and Polarities Beyond…