gower r – image building

…that year.19 The interim team consisted of six members and was “charged with a functional responsibility for the provision, management and maintenance of overseas land and property for Commonwealth purposes”.20…


and government-funded) reveals two competing and contradictory strands within modernism: the desire for individual expression and formal experiment versus political and economic desires for rationalisation and systematisation, equity and efficiency….

SAHANZ Abstract 0706 V2

and computer memory, lines and (pixels, data, and digits).The reason for this is to point out inconsistencies and gaps, and finally, to creates new possibilities between the gaps. This in-between…


…neutral space, space of hospitality, space for people to stay, and space to expand and contract to accommodate everyone and everything that may be required. Rangahaua was also to be…

S20_01_Stead and Wake_Carrots and Sticks

…held on the Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia, July 2-5, 2013. http://www.griffith.edu.au/conference/sahanz-2013/ Naomi Stead and Neph Wake, “Carrots and Sticks: Comparing Institutional Policy Frameworks for Equity and Diversity in the Architecture…


…as it was to provide educational and support spaces. It was to be neutral space, space of hospitality, space for people to stay, and space to expand and contract to