
…architect and engineer stood him in good stead, in this single project where ‘real’ engineering and pragmatism were forcefully pitched against architectural concerns. In England, in the 1960s and 1970s,…

SAHANZ Abstract 0706 V2

…oppositions, such as virtuality and actuality, immediacy and media, tactile sensations and ocular-centricity, metabolic and technological velocities, perception and computation, and original and copy. The origin of this oppositions refers…

SAHANZ18_paper_de Jong

…begun in England. His career in Australia encompassed the roles of ecclesiastical architect, public servant and secular architect, civil engineer and memberships of numerous Boards, Committees and affiliations as various…


…a combination of demolition and facadism. Facadism exemplifies an extreme compromise and an insensitiveness to heritage buildings and their typological character. The relationship between interior and exterior has been dismissed….


informed one another in the context of China provides insights into the interrelationships of space, capital, and technology in a manner that is attentive to the complex, and often contradictory…


… ; Centre: Cumulus Studio, Instagram post, September 22, 2016, accessed April 15, 2017, ; Right: Cumulus Studio, Instagram post, September 25, 2016, accessed April 15, 2017, 24…


…global, particularly near-eastern, architectural workforce versed in American software and standards, whether in the form of offshoring opportunities and market expansion, or increased competition and labor devaluation. In 2014, almost…