4B_590-602_JONES ET AL

Newham VIC, Australia, Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment, accessed August 8th, 2020, http://www.environment.gov.au/cgi- bin/ahdb/search.pl?mode=place_detail;search=place_name%3DHanging%2520Rock%3Blist_code%3DRNE%3 Bkeyword_PD%3Don%3Bkeyword_SS%3Don%3Bkeyword_PH%3Don%3Blatitude_1dir%3DS%3Blongitude_1dir %3DE%3Blongitude_2dir%3DE%3Blatitude_2dir%3DS%3Bin_region%3Dpart;place_id=4257. 37Australian Heritage Commission, Place Details, Hanging Rock & Heritage Council Victoria, Hanging…

What is Iconic Architecture?

…from the actual, and often as yet unbuilt buildings, forms a new hieroglyphics of architectural culture, a Persistence of Vision that spawns the illusion of aesthetic velocity and acceleration, just…


…Architecture, 112; John Stacpoole and Peter Beaven, New Zealand Art: Architecture 1820- 1970, 9; Hodgson, Looking at the Architecture of New Zealand, 48; Petry, “The Public Architecture of Gummer and


…of “appropriation of the exterior world,” as well as photography and advertising. Colomina, “Le Corbusier and Photography,” Assemblage, no. 4 (1987): 6-23; and Colomina, Privacy and Publicity: Modern Architecture as…

R02_01_Pieris_Diasporic Habitations

and inject their ideas and representations into Euro-American architectural forums. They look to the West for validation, accreditation and 17. Benedict Anderson, The Spectre of Comparisons: Nationalism, Southeast Asia, and