
…the area and with the plan to incorporate this imagining into the tourism industry, traditional architecture regains its significance in the community, to be preserved, even rebuilt, despite the many…


for Alaska, the Louisiana Purchase and the Virgin Islands combined.2 In short, the outsized real estate transaction foreshadowed significant growth and development in the entertainment capital and had significant effects…


…Lizenzgebühren für das Schürfen und Fördern verlang https://www.faz.net/aktuell/finanzen/finanzmarkt/rekordpreise-fuer-gold-und-erze-machen-investoren-reich- 16895071.html?premium=0x9de5cd6fd722e58cc9d2b67bd7eb3821&GEPC=s5 16 https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2020/jun/16/rio-tinto-repeats-apology-for-blasting-46000- year- old-rock-shelter-to-expand-mine See also Rangi Hirini, “Rio Tinto responds to allegations they’re ‘not sorry’ for Juukan Gorge destruction,” NITV,…

S13_03_Johnston_Ethnicity Underground

…group few options for alternative work. Their experience was one of tighter control and policing, and of less freedom. Given the comparative lack of attention to their aboveground needs, the…


…Library – Rutland Stockade.” Accessed February 21, 2018. http://www.whanganuilibrary.com/site/pages/heritage/queens-park-tour/rutland-stockade.php​. 41. New Zealand Architectural History Symposium, Paul Diamond, Victoria University of Wellington, and Centre for Building Performance Research. 2014. “The Rutland

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…Australia and New Zealand: 31, Translation, edited by Christoph Schnoor (Auckland, New Zealand: SAHANZ and Unitec ePress; and Gold Coast, Queensland: SAHANZ, 2014), 331–343. Published in Auckland, New Zealand: SAHANZ…

S02_01_Ryan_The Hygenic Holiday

…the procurement of buildings. They turned instead to Lynch and Hunt for recommendations “for small dwellings suitable for North Queensland and costing from £200 to £600.” Lynch and Hunt outlined…