
…defining engineering and architecture, he envisaged them as distinctive professions: “the one consisting in the science and art of constructionthe other in the science and art of composition


the role played by the two journals in the circulation of images during this period, catering as they did for the thirst for information about new building projects, technology and…

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…defining engineering and architecture, he envisaged them as distinctive professions: “the one consisting in the science and art of constructionthe other in the science and art of composition


…projects in London for criticism. The first was the Mansion House Square project and the second, the extension to the National Gallery London at Trafalgar Square. Of the former he…


…always influenced by a longstanding quarrel regarding the Old Government House (OGH) acquisition by the University, with the opposition supporting the wish for the Governor’s functions – and the capital…

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…of formal abstraction by Le Corbusier thereby reverts to the Enlightenment myth it first opposed, what Theodor Adorno would call the dialectic of enlightenment. In the Shadow of the Enlightenment:…