SAHANZ call for Life/Honorary Membership Nominations

SAHANZ calls for nominations for life and honorary members of the Society. f you wish to nominate someone for Honorary or Life membership, please download the nomination documents on the SAHANZ website, and submit the completed nomination to the Society’s Secretary by March 1st, 2019.

2018 SAHANZ Conference Proceedings online

The full proceedings of the 35th annual SAHANZ conference, “Historiographies of Technology and Architecture”, which was held at Victoria University of Wellington in 2018, are now online.

SAHANZ members’ survey closed

The SAHANZ Committee thanks all those who completed the SAHANZ members’ survey – we had a last minute flurry leading to 39 responses which, for a society with roughly 150 members, is a good result.

SAHANZ sponsored EAHN and SAH sessions selected

The SAHANZ Committee is pleased to report that the call for SAHANZ-endorsed panels at both EAHN and SAH conferences in 2020 has led to the selection of two session proposals.

The Architecture of the Tasman World, 1788-1850

Fabrications invites papers for a special guest issue on “The Architecture of the Tasman World,” edited by Alex Bremner and Andrew Leach. Papers are due by 28 March 2019.

CfP: The Values of Architecture and the Economy of Culture

This conference will bring together academics and professionals from a range of disciplines to examine the intersections between the values of architecture and the economy of culture.

SAHANZ call for EAHN and SAH session proposals

The Society calls for session proposals for the 2020 EAHN and SAH conferences, which are to be held in the Edinburgh (UK) and Seattle (US) respectively.

Call for Proposals: Guest-Edited, Special Issue of Fabrications

The Society invites proposals for a special, guest-edited issue of its journal, Fabrications, to be published in January 2020.

Lisa Marie Daunt awarded the 2018 David Saunders Grant

The 2018 David Saunders Founder’s Grant has been awarded to Lisa Marie Daunt for her project “Communities of Faith: Far North Queensland’s Innovative Modern Post-war Church Architectures.”

Call for papers - SAH

CFP: Distance Looks Back

A Thematic Conference of the European Architectural History Network, held in conjunction with the 36th Annual Conference of the Society of Architectural Historians, Australia and New Zealand.