
6th PhD Colloquium

This is a call for abstracts for the 6th SAHANZ PhD Colloquium to be held on Thursday, 2 November 2023. This one-day event will be delivered fully online and will be hosted by the School of Design and the Built Environment, Curtin University, Western Australia.

5th PhD Colloquium

The 2022 SAHANZ PhD Colloquium was held on 7 July and hosted by UNSW Sydney. Thanks to all the presenters and respondents for an enjoyable and informative day. Thanks also to Dijana Alic and Raffaele Pernice for organising and chairing the event.

PhD Colloquium

4th PhD Colloquium

The 2021 SAHANZ PhD Colloquium was held online on 8 July and hosted by the University of Canberra. Thanks to all the presenters and respondents for an enjoyable and informative day. Thanks also to Gevork Hartoonian, John Ting and Rahmatollah Amirjani for organising the event.

3rd PhD Colloquium

The 2020 SAHANZ PhD Colloquium was held online on 6 July and hosted by the Faculty of Architecture, Building and Planning and ACAHUCH at the University of Melbourne. Thanks to all the presenters and other participants. Thanks also to Hannah Lewi and other members of ACAHUCH for organising the event.

2nd PhD Colloquium

Colloquium Committee: Amit Srivastava, Nigel Westbrook and Peter Scriver for their organisation of the symposium.

Inaugural PhD Colloquium

Papers by current research higher degree students were presented at the inaugural PhD Symposium on Architectural History at The University of Queensland. The symposium offered students expert commentary on research was well as roundtable discussions on academic networking and publishing.