6th PhD Colloquium

This is a call for abstracts for the 6th SAHANZ PhD Colloquium to be held on Thursday, 2 November 2023. This one-day event will be delivered fully online and will be hosted by the School of Design and the Built Environment, Curtin University, Western Australia.
As part of the colloquium, participants will have the opportunity to share their research with fellow postgraduates and will gain critical feedback from mid-career and senior academics who are experts in a broad range of national and international historical and heritage fields.
Participants must be currently enrolled in a PhD, in the fields of architecture, landscape or urban history / heritage or related field of inquiry and must be confirmed in their PhD degree (i.e. topic and candidacy accepted by host institution – usually at some point within the first year of study).
While registration fees don’t apply, participants, however, will need to be student members of SAHANZ at the time of the colloquium.
Abstracts of 500 words outlining a 10-minute presentation on one of the following aspects of PhD research work:
- The research methodology being pursued and how it relates to the research question and topic of inquiry;
- A key theoretical / historical framework or context that is being forged for the research;
- A particular case study / aspect of fieldwork program and how it is exploring the research question and topic of inquiry.
The format of the day will include generous time for formal and informal discussion and sessions on research methods. Therefore, the number of abstracts accepted will be limited and assessed on their quality, and on achieving a balance of topics and approaches.
Submission due date: Friday, 31 August 2023
- A 500-word abstract addressing one of the above options which relate to the PhD research thesis;
- A brief biography of not more than 200 words including university affiliation and supervisors and any related publications.
- A brief statement outlining what stage of progress the PhD is at – i.e., post-confirmation year one; year two fieldwork; year three full draft etc.
Send abstracts to Parisa Izadpanahi
Colloquium Committee: Dr. Parisa Izadpanahi, Associate Professor Tanja Glusac