Past Conferences

5th PhD Colloquium
The 2022 SAHANZ PhD Colloquium was held on 7 July and hosted by UNSW Sydney. Thanks to all the presenters and respondents for an enjoyable and informative day. Thanks also to Dijana Alic and Raffaele Pernice for organising and chairing the event.

Ultra: Positions and Polarities beyond Crisis
The 38th Annual SAHANZ Conference, Adelaide, Australia, and online.
Keynote speaker: Barnabas Calder.

4th PhD Colloquium
The 2021 SAHANZ PhD Colloquium was held online on 8 July and hosted by the University of Canberra. Thanks to all the presenters and respondents for an enjoyable and informative day. Thanks also to Gevork Hartoonian, John Ting and Rahmatollah Amirjani for organising the event.

What if? What next? Speculations on History’s Futures
The 37th Annual SAHANZ Conference, Perth, Australia, and online.
Keynote speaker: Tim Winter.

3rd PhD Colloquium
The 2020 SAHANZ PhD Colloquium was held online on 6 July and hosted by the Faculty of Architecture, Building and Planning and ACAHUCH at the University of Melbourne. Thanks to all the presenters and other participants. Thanks also to Hannah Lewi and other members of ACAHUCH for organising the event.

Historiographies of Technology and Architecture
The 35th Annual SAHANZ Conference, Wellington, New Zealand.

Quotation, Quotation: What Does History Have in Store for Architecture Today?
The 34th Annual SAHANZ Conference, Canberra, Australia.
Keynote speakers: Jean-Louis Cohen and Julie Willis.

2nd PhD Colloquium
Colloquium Committee: Amit Srivastava, Nigel Westbrook and Peter Scriver for their organisation of the symposium.

Inaugural PhD Colloquium
Papers by current research higher degree students were presented at the inaugural PhD Symposium on Architectural History at The University of Queensland. The symposium offered students expert commentary on research was well as roundtable discussions on academic networking and publishing.

Architecture, Institutions and Change
The 32nd Annual SAHANZ Conference, Sydney, Australia.
Keynote speakers: Geoffrey London and Dell Upton.

The 31st Annual SAHANZ Conference, Auckland, New Zealand.
Keynote speakers: Barry Bergdoll, Branko Mitrović and Tom Avermaete.

Fabulation: Myth, Nature, Heritage
The 29th Annual SAHANZ Conference, Launceston, Tasmania.
Keynote speakers: Karen Burns and Alex Bremner.

Cultural Crossroads
The 26th Annual SAHANZ Conference, Auckland, New Zealand.
Keynote speakers: Roberto Segre, Paul Walker and Riken Yamamoto.

History in Practice
The 25th Annual SAHANZ Conference, Geelong, Victoria.
Keynote speakers: Des Smith and Don Watson.

Panorama to Paradise
The 24th Annual SAHANZ Conference, Adelaide, South Australia.
Keynote speakers: Mark Crinson, Keith Eggener and Paulette Singley.

Contested Terrains
The 23rd Annual SAHANZ Conference, Fremantle, Western Australia.
Keynote speakers: Andrew Ballantyne, Zeynip Çelik and Helen Mallinson.

The 22nd Annual SAHANZ Conference, Napier, New Zealand.
Keynote speakers: John Macarthur and Jonathan Woodham.

Additions to Architectural History
The 19th annual conference of SAHANZ, Brisbane.
Keynotes: Andrew Benjamin, Hilde Heynen, Esa Laaksonen and Jane Rendell.

In the making: Architecture’s past
The 18th Annual Conference of SAHANZ, Darwin, Australia.
Keynote speaker: Philip Goad.

Formulation Fabrication: The Architecture of History
The 17th Annual Conference of SAHANZ, Wellington, New Zealand.
Keynote speakers: Roemer van Toorn, Sarah Whiting and Mark Wigley.

The 16th Annual Conference of SAHANZ, Launceston, Australia, 1999. Keynote speakers: Mark Cousins, Neil Leach and Barrie Shelton.

Firm(ness) commodity De-light?: questioning the canons
The 15th Annual Conference of SAHANZ, Melbourne, Australia, September 1998.
Keynote speakers: Anthony Alofsin and Harry Francis Mallgrave.

On what Grounds?
The 14th Annual Conference of SAHANZ, Adelaide, Australia.
Keynote speakers: Augustin Berque, Bernard Cache and Paul Fox.

Loyalty and Disloyalty in the Architecture of the British Empire and Commonwealth
The 13th Annual Conference of SAHANZ, Auckland, New Zealand, October 1996.
Keynote speakers: Richard Engelhardt, Robert Grant Irving and Paul Oliver.
Plenary lectures by Peter Bossley and Sir Miles Warren. Public Lecture by John Stacpoole.

50 Years of Modernity in Australasia, 1920-1970
The 12th Annual Conference of SAHANZ, Sydney, Australia.
Keynote speaker: Harry Seidler.

Nuts and bolts, or berries: Early Modernism in Australasia
The 10th Annual Conference of SAHANZ, Perth, Australia.
Keynote speaker: Judith Brine.

Asia / Australasia
The 9th Annual Conference of SAHANZ, Geelong, Australia.
Keynote speaker: Helen Ibbitson Jessup.

Regional Responses
The 8th Annual Conference of SAHANZ, Christchurch, New Zealand.
Keynote speaker: Miles Lewis.

Colonial Connections
The 7th Annual Conference of SAHANZ, Melbourne, Australia, 1990.
Keynote speaker: Jonathan Mané-Wheoki.

Landscape and 20th Century Urban Design in Australasia
The 6th Annual Conference of SAHANZ, Canberra, Australia.
Keynote Speaker: James Weirick.

Australian Studies in Architectural History
The 5th Annual Conference of SAHANZ, Sydney, Australia.

Classicism and Romanticism in Australasian Architecture
The 3rd Annual Conference of SAHANZ, Melbourne, Australia.
Keynote Speaker: James Broadbent.

Architectural Historians in Australia: Australian Questions to Face
The 1st Annual Conference of SAHANZ, Adelaide, Australia.
Keynote speaker: Dennis Sharp.