EOI: PhD Member SAHANZ Editorial Board
The Editorial Board of the Society of Architectural Historians, Australia and New Zealand, calls for Expressions of Interest from current PhD candidates in architectural history motivated to represent their student peers as a member of the Board. The Board oversees the publication of the Society’s refereed journal, Fabrications: JSAHANZ and the publication of the proceedings from the Society’s annual conferences.
PhD members are normally appointed for a period of two years. As the position is currently vacant the next PhD member will be appointed retrospectively, from 1 June 2024 to 31 July 2026. Prospective candidates must be enrolled in a PhD program in the field of architectural history and have completed their first year of full-time candidature, with an emerging publication record. The PhD member is expected to be a financial student member of SAHANZ, and to operate under SAHANZ’s Editorial Board policies, which can be found at https://www.sahanz.net/about/society-business/.
Expressions of Interest are open until the close of business on Friday 1 November. Those interested should send a short CV and covering statement, detailing any editorial and publishing experience, to myself as the Chair of the Editorial Board at <>, using the header “EoI SAHANZ Editorial Board Member”.
Peter Scriver
Chair, SAHANZ Editorial Board