Review? Reviewed
We all enjoy reading book reviews. These short, but valuable critiques are part of the process of peer recognition and academic discourse. Book Reviews can also outline progress in the field, highlighting new areas of research and offer guidance to novice scholars.
So, as the Book Reviews Editor for Fabrications, the journal of the SAHANZ Community I am starting a new section in the regular SAHANZ Newsletter.
In the spirit of great book reviews, each month I will be listing books we currently have available for review. For reviewers, the benefit is a free copy of the book. If you would like to review on of the books below, just send me an email. I will contact the publisher for a free copy of the book. In return, I’ll ask for a thoughtful review of around 1000 words. Due date negotiable.
- Architecture and Ugliness: Anti-Aesthetics and the Ugly in Postmodern Architecture by edited by Wouter Van Acker and Thomas Mical, 2020
- Architecture on the Borderline, edited by Anoma Pieris, 2019.
- Open Architecture: Migration, Citizenship and the Urban Renewal of Berlin-Kreuzberg by IBA 1984/87 by Esra Ackan, 2018.
I am also seeking the SAHANZ Community’s suggestions for books you would like to have reviewed in Fabrications. Whether you fancy reviewing it yourself, or just think it should be reviewed, please send me new titles that are key to our field.
I look forward to many emails, till next month,