SAHANZ Call for SAH 2021 Session Proposals
The SAHANZ Committee calls for session proposals for the 2021 Society of Architectural Historians (SAH) Annual International Conference to be held in Montréal, Québec, 14-18 April.
As part of our partnership agreement with SAH, SAHANZ is able to put forward a session proposal for the 2021 conference. We invite submissions from interested SAHANZ members for consideration by the SAHANZ Committee. Submissions should be based on topics of mutual interest between SAHANZ and SAH.
This offer does not preclude members making their own direct submissions but is intended to take advantage of the opportunity provided by our partnership
Session proposals (of no more than 500 words, titles of no more than 65 characters including spaces and punctuation) should be sent by 2 December 2019 to the SAHANZ Secretary (secretary@sahanz.net) .
For more information, please consult the SAH 2021 conference website.
Image courtesy of Tourisme Montréal