SAHANZ sponsored EAHN and SAH sessions selected
The SAHANZ Committee is pleased to report that the call for SAHANZ-endorsed panels at both EAHN and SAH conferences in 2020 has led to the selection of two session proposals. The session proposal selected for EAHN was ‘CULTIVATING THE CHILD EYE’S VIEW: Childhood and architectural education in the post WWII era,’ submitted by Dr Elke Couchez and Prof John Macarthur (both of The University of Queensland). The session proposal selected for SAH was ‘Opposite/Apposite: Transnational Exchanges between Australasia and Ibero‐America, 1946‐ 1973,’ submitted by Dr Macarena de la Vega (The University of Queensland), Dr Ana Esteban‐Maluenda (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid), and Dr Brett Tippey (Kent State University). Both were fine proposals and will represent the society very well at these international meetings. The call for session proposals for subsequent years will be announced in the SAHANZ newsletter and posted on the SAHANZ website.