Call for Proposals: Guest-Edited, Special Issue of Fabrications

Fabrications is the refereed journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, Australia and New Zealand (SAHANZ). Established in 1989, it is devoted to scholarly publication in the field of architectural history. The journal’s contents reflect the wide interests of the Society’s diverse membership. It publishes papers on a wide range of themes, but especially on the architectural, urban and landscape history of Australia, New Zealand, the South Pacific and South-East Asia. The journal is published for the Society by Taylor & Francis, with each annual volume containing three issues. Special issues may be referred to the publisher’s Special Issues as Books programme following publication.

The Society invites proposals for a special, guest-edited issue of its journal, Fabrications, to be published in January 2020 (volume 30, no. 1). The guest editor(s) will work to realise the special issue in collaboration with the journal’s appointed editors, Anoma Pieris and Mirjana Lozanovska, and in consultation with the Society’s Editorial Board.

For further information on Fabrications and to review past issues, see the Taylor and Francis website.

Timelines for the issue will be as follows:

  • Invitation to edit the special issue – September 2018
  • Call for papers advertised – November 2018
  • Papers due – June 2019
  • Reviews concluded – August 2019
  • Final papers received for editing and production – September 2019
  • Delivery to T&F – October 2019
  • Publication – January 2020

Proposals should include:

  • Theme title and editor(s)
  • Brief CV of the editor(s)
  • Draft call for papers (maximum 400 words)
  • If relevant, information about any event around which the proposal may be organised
  • If relevant, the names and/or themes of any specific contributions the editor(s) anticipate(s) including in the issue

Deadline for submissions is 31 October 2018. Proposals will be considered by the SAHANZ Editorial Board.

Please direct submissions and enquiries to Paul Walker,